Monday, March 16, 2009

What being green means to me

As I was looking in my garden today,
I saw my sweet baby lambs ear peeking back at me....
giving me a renewed and uplifted energy.

Spring in a jar, my seedlings are all planted and bathing in the sunlight.
And check out my favorite new area in my haus...inspired by made by girl (my new obsession).

The desk has love written in all languages.

Recycle, reuse and re purpose...that is our store's philosophy and at the Richman's house too.
Who said being green couldn't be stylish?

My husband's latest gift to of course.
Shouldn't we all live what we love...(i do)

Lucy agreed she's on board wit her commitment of being green too..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart you. You set a good example for us all.
