Friday, July 26, 2013

Pop- Up News and pictures!

AHope to see many of you tomorrow!
I will be bringing a lots of love and a bit of circus to Westerville this weekend!
It is 3 dais only!!
Friday - 11-5
Saturday - 10-5
Sunday 1-5
We will have other artist that are a must see!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

My studio nest!!

I really had to learn to leave without what I thought were essentials! Since we are moving we kept a lot of things packed and stored. Well have really miss very little except for some of my favorite books! I have worked a way around that too! 
I wanted to share pix from my apartment that has also become my art studio!
I will of course show this in very small peaks!
First my gathering room, we meet and entertain here but also work with ample seating to handstitch while watching a movie or listening to a good book!! 
I also love using the oversize chalkboard coffee table to spread jewelry and design pieces. The dark background is great to show sparkling treasures!

I specially love my leather couch and the 1970's stackable stools!

Home Love Fever

It feels great to be back in the routine of things after such a long break!
It has been a very long absence from my blog and I wanted to excuse myself for the lack of communication!
First I will answer the most asked questions ,
1. What have you been doing?
Life, helping my husband recover his health back, and he is improving greatly!
Also taking cared of myself! And a few health issues that are being addressed with lifestyle changes and lots of yoga, (I LOVE IT SOO MUCH)
Also, Moved to a cute but tiny apartment and 2 storage units, in Dublin, ( yes still Ohio!, at least until late winter /spring 2014) as sometimes things do not go as you planned, but everything always works out just great!
2.Are you doing shows or new venues?
I took a long break but I am back in the swing in things! Or at least trying to get there!
Lots of new creations and ideas and a few shows in between!
Also putting a book together!!  Very slow in this process!

POP UP ALERT!!!!!!!!
At the Encircle's space in State st. and Main st., Downtown Westerville!
Friday July 26th from 11am - 8pm for 4th night celebrations!
Saturday July 27 from 10-5
Sunday July 29 from 1-5

More information to come!!! Pictures of my new living quarters!  I turned our apartment into a living art studio!
It took some adjustments but it really makes sense for us right now!


Friday, January 4, 2013

Peak at the items!

Thanks to everyone that came tonight, the emails, the calls, I love seeing each and everyone of you!
I hope I can see many more of you tomorrow!
Now a little a bit of rest and ready for a wonderful day!
See you tomorrow!

Last sale and it is full of goodies!

Storage items, lamps, furniture, lots of furniture, architectural parts, 1920's iron trundle day bed, awesome vintage gate,
Oh so many treasures!!!
Invite only via e mail, Preview Sale- Friday January 4th from 3-6 only!
Sale date: Saturday jan. 5th from 9-1
Too many treasures to find.....
Hope to see you!