Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sleep tight with these sweet pillowcases

We've been enjoying the simplicity and beauty of our handmade pillowcases
We're using a mix of the fabrics we have a available in the store and other scraps of vintage we have lying around.

The results are awesome. Why should we save all the great fabrics just for the throw pillows, the bed pillows can be "dressed" too. And they get to stay on the bed all night.

Look for a class on this for sure!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Classroom success

The patchwork pillow class kept us busy. More steps and more room needed to lay everything out. But the results were well worth it? These two students were amazed at their ability to complete this project in under 2 hours with 1 yard of fabric. Always so much more fun to tackle a
new project in a "classroom" .

Next class... Trinket bracelet - March 1st

We'll sift through buttons, beads, keys, old earring and anything else I can come up with to make a great vintage charm bracelet. Such a fun accessory, and even better if you have something special you would like to include of your own. Two spaces available...a great way to spend the evening.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

kisses and hugs

If Bloomsbury Loft was a holiday....
it would be Valentine's Day

sexy... just the right amount,
full of surprises,
special like no other.
Love to you from Bloomsbury Loft......xo

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It just keeps on coming

The snow is c-r-a-z-y!
Beautiful yes....but come on, we need to get back to work.
Kids home from school, and tons of snow make it a little difficult to do business as usual.
When will it end?
(just have to stay in and keep working on projects, and that's always fun)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Take a peek...

Fresh handmades and other goodies.

I know it's been way too long...but we finally updated our newest finds page on our web site.
It shouldn't be such a project, but for some reason the resizing of pictures has been quite a process....(i'm sure there is an easier way, but i didn't know it)
Not anymore, a simple new plan and I can update the page often, and we are planning on it.

take a peek.

I decided to focus on some of our materials for projects.
Fabric, vintage wallpaper and locker baskets for your misc. goodies.
Projects....a great way to spend a cold winter day
What are you working on??

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


#p/u/2/7ks7HEsCDFY#p/u/2/7ks7HEsCDFY#p/u/2/7ks7HEsCDFY (utube link)
I wanted to share this with all of the reader's of this blog in honor of my sweet daughter Natalia, HAPPY 21rst BIRTHDAY!!! This is one of her animations that I think she is most proud of. She actually won 2nd place at the James Guerney's (author of the famous Dinotopia books) blog contest. She is a very talented artist and very passionate about her craft and I hope that you would agree with me. I love you sweetie!!!!!